MoCA Westport announces its participation in a new “Employment Is For Everyone” Initiative. The initiative is a collaboration between the Town of Westport’s Department of Human Services, the Commission on People with Disabilities (CPD) and the local business community whose mission is to encourage and support business in the recruitment, hiring, and advancement of people with disabilities in the workplace.
The Commission hopes to help cultivate a disability-friendly and inclusive culture by providing guidance and resources for employers and employees to get the support they need to succeed. With support from Town and business leaders, the Commission has partnered with regional disability employment organizations to create an online platform known as the “Employment Gateway” which provides a job board, resource guide, and hands-on support for any individual or business seeking assistance in enhancing inclusivity among their workforces.
MoCA has posted several job opportunities to the job board, which can be found here.
MoCA’s involvement in the initiative is part of its MoCA Gives Back program, designed to identify and support the benefits of the healing arts for specific segments in the community; including veterans, cancer patients, children and adults with special needs, and other underserved populations. These healing arts experiences are provided directly within the participants’ environments, and also at MoCA Westport.
For more information on the initiative, contact the Westport Human Services or Commission on People with Disabilities at 203/341 – 1050 or or email Westport Commission on People with Disabilities at